Get your songs on compilation albums!
Join for FREE and you get PAID.
We create compilations in every thinkable genre, sub-genre and mood:
EDM, Rock, Hip Hop, Jazz, Classical, World, Holiday, Kids, Blues, Pop, Latin and more.
Work with us
Get compiled with other great artists
Get noticed by new markets
Receive royalties
Grow your fanbase
Work with us non-exclusive
   Signup now
How to proceed
Upload songs
Get on compilation albums
Receive royalties
   Signup now
Join. Sell. Earn.
Being on a compilation album gives
extra exposure, brand awareness and revenue
You can work with us even if your songs are already distributed by another company
No up-front fees (no hidden yearly fees)
We let you know every time your song made it on a compilation
Detailed sales and stream overview is available every six months
Your revenue
One time upload
One time upload
Upload your music just once
and we'll get your track(s) on
different compilation albums.
Signup now
Our team
Our team
Our team consists of great
A&R managers who compile
new compilation albumss on
a daily basis.
Signup now
We have in-house graphic designers who create album artwork for branded compilation albums and special products.
Signup now
Ortex (record producer):
"I already have a distribution company for my music, but Compigram
is a great extra tool! They put my songs on many great
compilation albums. My fanbase is growing and so are my sales."